“Love the Process”

Author: Kavedon Kapital Team

Kavedon Kapital
3 min readAug 11, 2021

If I had a pound for every time I saw this phrase used in a social media post about being an entrepreneur or building your own business, I’d have filled our first cap raise myself.

As much as it might make some roll their eyes, at its essence, when you remove the “hustle” and “grind” connotations it has manifested in vlogs or on your Instagram feed, it couldn’t be sounder advice. Being a Founder demands patience and resilience — I’ve had a front row seat to a couple of 10-year overnight successes, and you have to be willing to do things others won’t, beckon difficult situations, treat every experience as an opportunity to get better and when things are going your way, double-down on your momentum rather than sit back and coast.

This may sound like Founder advice 101 so far, but Mike Tyson wasn’t wrong when he said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face…” As a Founder and practitioner myself, I can tell you from experience that sometimes loving the process can be hard, and can be more about trusting it than anything else — I had a moment like that as recently as last week. But being present, aware of your situation and of your emotions when you’re starting or building a business is paramount to it’s success and to yours as a Founder.

I don’t prescribe to glorifying 16 hour work days or working under constant pressure, but you have to be prepared to accept that sometimes, those things are the cost of entry and come with the territory of starting a business. Which allows me to introduce you to one of my personal mantras. Accept and proceed. As Founders you must acknowledge that things will be hard, things won’t always go your way and you won’t always win, but you must persevere despite these truths, and excel as a result of them. In last week’s post, Iva referenced James Clear (if you haven’t read her post yet, you must, and if you haven’t read James Clear’s book — do that too!), who said “Winners and losers have the same goals.” In this context, the bit in the middle — the “process”, is the difference maker for successful Founders and businesses.

At Kavedon, you are central to what we do. We have a wealth of Founder experience in our team who understand the journey you are on, and will smile and nod knowingly at many of the situations you are faced with. We’re process junkies, made up of problem solvers, negotiators, listeners, doers and the list of adjectives goes on. We’ve walked the journey you’re on, we love the journey you’re on and you need to as well.

So, the next time you find yourself in a room with a Founder-turned successful business owner and the title of this blog post is the advice they give you, ask for the story behind the advice, watch their eyes light up, and lean in…

If you are an Investor realising the importance of switching to a Venture Capital model built on Circular Economic principles, get in touch with us to learn more about how Kavedon Kapital can help.

Our deal room is also open, so all high tech early stage Founders please head over to this page to submit your deck.

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Kavedon Kapital
Kavedon Kapital

Written by Kavedon Kapital

Kavedon Kapital is Venture Capital Fund Entity designed and built on Circular Economics

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